Wednesday 8 July 2015

P1 OMANITE @ Glenmarie

Another wonderful night out held by P1 for our beloved blogger community. A bit of appreciation from myself as this type of activity truly brings up the pride of being a blogger. As a new-joiner in this community, I feel quite attracted by the bond and interactions they have created over the few years. Practically P1 has collected bloggers all over the city and placed them under a single roof, and therefore you get to meet people with different background and interest.

Although my blog is mainly focuses in Travel, but it wouldn't do harm if I tried to outreach some other genres as well. After all, in order for you to grow, you will have to learn from others.


  1. Nice pictures... thanks for sharing... please follow me back...

    1. haha thanks. btw I love your summer palace's post. have so many details =)

  2. Hope you are having fun there!
    First time see you wearing Malay Costume!

    1. Orange doesn't match me XD
      Maybe after this I'll get more different colors

  3. Hi Ariq! Welcome to the P1Omanite family! Missed out to meet you that night. Anyway catch up in another time ya. Happy berbuka puasa! :)

  4. Hi Ariq! Welcome to the P1Omanite family! Missed out to meet you that night. Anyway catch up in another time ya. Happy berbuka puasa! :)
