Wednesday 7 August 2019
Sisik Ikan Bakar : Seafood, Grills & Family
Food has always been a comfort for myself. Whether it is to relieve stress or compensate for my hard work, it always has a way getting into my life.
Today, I would like to share this one restaurant that I visited last week. It is a seafood and grilling restaurant called Sisik Restoran Ikan Bakar. The restaurant was previously called Resepi Warisan Tok.
It gives you options of dishes originated from Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, and Pahang. In another word, they are all spicy.
A little suggestion, you might want to try their XXL Honey Grilled Squid (Sotong Bakar Madu XXL). Even after few days of having that dish, the taste still sticks in my tongue like a wallpaper.
When you are here in the restaurant, do not just limit yourself one or two dishes. You might want to try out their famous Fish with Spicy and Sour Sauce (Asam Pedas Ikan), Grilled Fish with Fermented Durian (Ikan Bakar Tempoyak) or Spices (Berempah).
Another thing you should try is their Nasi Lemak Buluh Perindu, where the bamboo-steamed coconut rice and served together with grilled fish and varieties of spicy and sour sauces.
Not to forget that they also have steamboat.
There are two sessions in their operation hours. It starts serving from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm for authentic Malay cuisine, while 5.00 pm to 12.30 midnight for menu based on seafood dishes such as grilled fish.
The restaurant is located right in front of GM Klang Wholesales City.
Facebook : Resepi Warisan Tok Sisik
Instagram : Restoran Sisik
Address : 32, Jalan Kasuarina 1/ks7, Bandar Botanic, 41200 Klang, Selangor
Wednesday 5 December 2018
5 Reasons Why Men Need Moisturiser
Moisturized skin has always been a thing for the ladies. It is an element of their beauty. But people need to know that this doesn't imply only to female. Guys, too, need to know the importance of having a good skin. Here are the five reasons why.
1. Beauty isn't just for women.
This is 2018. In case if you hadn't notice, beauty's standard has changed and it will always change as time passes by. Let me point you the obvious, people no longer get attracted to men by their masculinity and demeanor only, your face is equally important. In reference of K-Pop artist, do you actually think they look like that the moment they woke up from bed?
The answer is NO. They probably sneaked into Sephora, or Sasa, when no one was looking. Or perhaps they had good relationship with Maybelline. Maybe.
2. Uneven skin tone due to extreme sunlight.
Let's be real about our country's weather, it is HOT! Malaysia is, and forever will be hot. But the funniest part is when you enter a mall or office, it feels as if you suddenly have been teleported to the north pole. These extreme temperature difference, plus the ever-bright sunlight is really doing some terrible harm to your skin.
If you're not into spending money for make-up or beauty products, my suggestion would be to stay home, like all the time. That will keep you away from the sun, and its natural vitamin D.
3. Repair skin cell.
Most guys don't really care about their physical look and they do things that damage their skin slowly. Even I, too, sometimes didn't know which product is the best and ended up making my skin worse from what it used to be.
My suggestion is to keep it hydrated all the time with moisturizer. Because it has healing power to repair your dead cells. My suggestion - Cozena Tone Up Cream. I found out about this cream from a friend of mine. I tried it a few times and it actually fitted my skin well. It doesn't just help me with my dead skin, but also balance my skin tone, which is related to my previous point.
4. A form of courtesy when meeting people.
Owh how much I wished I could say this out loud to people. Sometimes people wear make-up not just to please themselves, but it is a manner, a courtesy when you meet up with strangers. What if you had something good in mind to talk about, but that person in front of you kept staring at your imperfect skin tone?
It happened to me multiple times when I was careless, and it was extremely annoying. It's not like you can just go ahead and say "ah hello! I'm talking here, can't you see?"
5. Boost your confidence.
Everyone has their own way to gain confidence. For me, speaking up clearly gives me that feeling of empowerment. While some people depend highly on their physical look to gain their confidence. Hence, getting rid of your dry skin may take you there. Maybe not entirely, but every bit helps.
Well, sometimes making sarcastic comments make me feel good.
Thursday 25 October 2018
Cannis App:不只供应许多服务,还即将成为美国纳斯达克(Nasdaq)明日之星
「我们很期待通过与所有战略伙伴的合作,继而提升用户的黏着度及无缝的 O2O 体验。」
2018年第三季是App商店利润最为丰厚的一季。App Store 和 Google Play 在这一季度中的综合App下载量已突破290亿次,与同期相比增长 10%。而在全球消费支出总额已接近200亿美元,与同期年度相比增长 20% ,双双打破了历史纪录。
总体来看,在2018年第三季,App Store和Google Play在下载量和消费额方面都创下了历史新高,这充分说明了App的市场趋势,将随着智能型手机用户持续涌入,让App的消费总额占比不断攀升,具有相当可观的发展潜力。
宝兆Cannis App每个月除了不断创新迭代功能之外,更有选择性大量投资线下趋势性实体产业,希望透过线上数据驱动线下服务,链接顾客整体的消费流程,由此作为起点构建O2O模式,让产品前端推广、线上线下会员有效率的链接沟通及后端便利取货等服务更加顺利流畅!
当天出席的战略合作伙伴包括EMPRO杨志伟博士 、Da Motion Production House监制Encik Along、凯优影视控股有限公司创意总监Miss Bo Bo、龙视传媒有限公司Mr. Chris Yen、Weber PDT 癌症治疗健康中心Prof. Madya Dr. Martin E. Roberts、名资股份有限公司董事长蔡逸群、Dr. DNA Mr Jannings Lee等。
宝兆Cannis为全世界首创整合型App,为消费者提供全方位的App服务。直播、电商、优惠购物、社交、短视频、游戏及支付,均可使用宝兆Cannis满足所有需求。宝兆Cannis深信,以马来西亚多种民族及文化为基础,更容易将宝兆Cannis APP由东南亚拓展至全球。更多相关资讯,请浏览。
Sunday 19 August 2018
Flower Chimp:网上点击,向你爱的人送上花束
Flower Chimp 东南亚创办人,在2018年8月下旬,扩展公司业务到新加坡,并成功取得6百万令吉的资金。
吉隆坡,2018年8月15号 —— “用花来说爱!” 随着全球电子商务的蓬勃发展,要向你爱的人送上花束表达爱意,不需再像以前那么麻烦。现在,只要你想要送花,在网站上点击你喜爱的花束,再安排递送给你爱的人就可以了!除了方便,同时也可以为你的爱人,划下充满爱意的回忆。
不管是生日花束、祝贺花束、情人节花束,甚至是母亲节花束,你都可以以最低价钱89令吉,向Flower Chimp 购买美丽的花束。值得一提的是,Flower Chimp 的服务范围概括了我国超过80个县,沙巴和砂拉越也不例外。再加上,顾客可以享受 Flower Chimp 所提供的网上订购务,同时也在不需要最低消费规定下,享有各种优惠,包括了免费递送服务。若顾客在下午一点前订单,就可安排同天寄出与接受花束。
Flower Chimp 创办人马西米连罗兹说,尽管 Flower Chimp 在这行业立足不久,不过已成功成为人人皆知的花卉公司。在不到两年的时间,Flower Chimp 成为了马来西亚、印尼和菲律宾市场首选的网上送花服务公司,业务也比去年增长了5倍。
凭着线上花店服务的出色表现,Flower Chimp成功从他们的投资者 Asia Venture Group (AVG),取得了6百万令吉的资金。这个私人公司非常看好 Flower Chimp 独特的商业模式和市场营销策略。这家公司也曾在 iMoney,Happy Fresh 和 iPrice 进行投资。罗兹说,“我们将在2018年8月下旬,到新加坡扩大我们的新市场,接下来在2019年会扩展到其它东南亚国家,这包括了越南、泰国和香港。
一直都从经验中学来,罗兹和他的伙伴,也就是公司营运长尼克拉斯弗拉萨计划,利用他们所获得的资金,来加强他们在印尼和菲律宾的市场,同时改善技术设施,借此希望顾客可以享受更多网上购物体验,这包括了订单跟踪功能。弗拉萨说, “我们也进行了市场调查,以让我们可以定期推出新产品和促销活动。希望可以吸引顾客回归,并找到他们想要的东西。”
弗拉萨补充:“凭借线上销售和社交媒体的力量,我们希望可以强化我们的品牌,成为客户的首选服务,尤其是现在的顾客都精通科技。我们相信在接下来的12个月内;从2018年第四季度到2019年第四季度,Flower Chimp在马来西亚,新加坡,印尼和菲律宾的四个主要市场,将贡献公司业务3倍的成长。
Flower Chimp 成立于2016年,由两位德国企业家马西米连罗兹和尼克拉斯弗拉萨设立的。他们在东南亚住了数年。利用了他们在荷兰花卉中心的工作经验,他们决定更深一层潜入这个行业,为在线花店服务设立新体验。以顾客的利益为焦点,Flower Chimp 的目的是要满足顾客对高品质花束的需求,同时以合理的价格出售,并提供全国免费送花服务。随着业务的增长,公司不断改进其服务和研发新产品,为不断增长的市场提供更多的花束选择。
目前,Flower Chimp 的业务地点,包括了马来西亚,印尼和菲律宾。未来,两位充满大志的企业家,将在新加坡和其他东南亚国家,扩展他们的平台。
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7in1 功能 Cannis App,是时候马来西亚闯入国际市场了!
我最近开始爱上了直播功能。其实直播还蛮好玩的。它不只能让你自录视频再放上网,还让你跟朋友圈沟通聊天。如果你再想远一点的话,它还让你从中赚一些钱呢!不过真可惜面子书的直播功能有限。所以,我想介绍给你们这一个新APP —— CANNIS。看来马来西亚也能比得上国际市场。厉害不厉害啊?
Cannis 宝兆 APP,集合市场手机应用最热门的主流功能,一款 Cannis 宝兆 APP 等于有7个手机应用功能在握,吃喝玩乐,衣食住行,应有尽有;连接区域,全球支付,通行无阻。
同时,宝兆在杭州设立技术团队基地,以全球70亿人次手机用户的庞大流量市场,以及手机用户的需求和便捷,作为开发宝兆 APP 的方向。
“宝兆是目前市场首个集合7个手机用户最热门功能为一体的 APP,以打造全球最强七合一手机应用平台为方向,势必为手机用户带来全新的体验。”
他指一款宝兆 APP,便具备网红直播、线上游戏、社交平台、短视频、直播电商、优惠购物及宝兆支付,合共7个功能。
“在宝兆平台,网络直播、社交聊天、优惠网购、线上游戏应有尽有,用户不必再下载各式各样的 APP。”
与宝兆签署备忘录的包括我国首个电商销售和购物平台BeeZmall、以谷歌云端技术提供商业服务的 In Next、由著名美籍华人投资银行家蔡逸群创立的名资股份有限公司(MAS Capital)、韩国 JPDC、G7 与 Figtree Hill Resort、Nulnu 与 Empro、Admall 商城,以及来自印尼的旅游与商业平台。
出席的主要嘉宾包括专业协助中国企业在美国纽交所、纳斯达克与创业板上市融资的名资股份有限公司创办人、董事长兼首席资本家蔡逸群、韩国区块链协会会长兼全球区块链韩国大使杰胜H将、粤港澳大湾区经贸协会佛山主席团主席兼佛山市政协委员苏祖耀博士、印尼旅游与商业平台联合创办人罗比芬葛舒、俄罗斯 CryptoOcean GmbH 首席执行员兼创办人尤里,以及来自印度的全球区块链基金会联合创办人帕尼库马尔等。
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Monday 23 July 2018
根据总部位于纽约的大都会银行(Metropolitan Bank)的资料显示,超过15%的存款是由该银行的加密货币投资者和客户所提供。另外,美国、韩国和日本银行,如今已是加密货币交易的主战场,种种现象证明银行业逐渐对这数字资产交易表示接受并支持。英国经济史学家和作家尼尔弗格森(Niall Ferguson)更说过:“比特币是未来的金融体系”。比特币作为其中一种加密货币,可见加密货币在未来市场具有非常大的发展空间。
Friday 6 July 2018
Opinion : Thoughts On China by Pavitra
From the beginning of my involvement in traveling, I have been interviewing people and listened to what they had to share about China. It has been lovely. It was funny to see some of them who at first were so reluctant to go for the trip, simply because China wasn't their dreamland, had a major turnaround experience. Some of those experiences even left a life-long memory to them.
So what would happen if I start asking about China, to those who have never stepped foot there? Well, let's find out what these people have to say about the notorious country.
Meet Pavitra, she is currently 21 and a Journalism student. Traveling may not be a common thing for her, but she does possess knowledge and interest in it. For example, if you asked anything related to history of Egypt or Greek's mythology, she could answer to you as if she was born there at the time.
Me : What is the first thing in your mind when heard the word "China"?
"Great Wall! Okay, I know that's very generic. And also this one palace on a mountain, which I saw in the movie "Karate Kid". I've seen it a lot in TV programs but I always forget the name. It's like a place where you find peace and to do meditation. All those mystical things. It's not that it looks unreal or movie-like, but that place is there in the midst of chaos and I believe some places in China are quite chaotic with people and cars. But that palace is like a new leaf, peaceful and in tune with nature. It's literally a paradise."
Me : What is the best thing you have heard about the country?
"The best thing would be the food. It's very different and good. I don't have much interest in architecture, I prefer to enjoy authentic culture. If you wanted me to choose between KLCC and Giza Pyramid, I would definitely pick the latter one. I'm more of an ancient historical type of person. "
Me : Do you think the medias are portraying the country in the truthful way?
"I think the Malaysian media only shows the political part of the country (China) and they are making us believe politic is the only thing we should concern about when it comes to this topic. And now when we speak of China, we only talk about how China owns half of our country and blah blah whatsoever. When the media portrays the country like that, the people like us will start having bad thoughts. But we don't know anything else about the country, for example the culture. The media is simply not being informative. People who love to travel they would go for some travel websites, but some people rely solely on the news."
Me : China recently donated a huge amount of money to World Health Organization (WHO) to improve the life of refugees in Syria, a war-torn country. Some huge media in China said it was just another political strategy by the president to secure the trading business between China and the Arab countries. There were comments saying that the fund could have fed the needy local Chinese instead of giving out to the outsiders. What is your thoughts on this?
"I do believe some media are unreliable and love to add things up just to get views, but I don't think that securing businesses is the only agenda. Perhaps the president is a man with big heart, who just wanted to help. I am not going to say much about that, but if you're doing it for the wrong reason, that's just awful, because you're playing with a lot of life. However, I don't agree with comments given by the media."
Me : Do you know that the size of 1 China is equal to 29 Malaysia. As for population, 1 Chinese equals to 44 Malaysians. Do you think that the country is doing good in maintaining it?
"Ow wow. My first guess was 1 China equals to 10 Malaysia, but that is just insane. I knew the country is big, but that ratio is unbearable. I know that most cities in China are very much developed, but I'm not sure about the rural areas. Even in Malaysia there are under-developed places like in Pahang. But if you asked me, I would say better to keep it that way, it would keep the culture alive. There are certain places that you should have respect for. So there are certain places that journalists should know what to explore and what not to explore."
Me : Have you seen or heard "Yading Nature Reservoir" and "Jiuzhaigou"? Why do you think media chose not to show them?
"I have never seen them, nor heard of them. But these pictures are beautiful. These are gorgeous. I guess people are prone to dramas and politics, so whenever these come up, the media would just go for it. I admit that we all love to have some dramas in life, but just find a way to control them."
Yading Nature Reservoir & Jiuzhaigou |
Me : What do you think about traveling? Is it meant for the rich?
"I think traveling is a must for everyone. It gives you a chance to run back into yourself, it teaches a lot about you that you don't know. There is no need to travel far or expensive. You could simply travel from here to Penang just to get out from your comfort zone. It's a basic knowledge and a skill you have to acquire. I don't think you would want to tell your kids in the future that you stayed in the house all the time and didn't go anywhere. And if you can't afford traveling, try reading. Learn how people out there live their life. Let your imagination run wild."
"If I were given with a chance to travel far, I would categorize myself as solo traveler, who seeks for leisure and spiritual learning. Even with a group, the maximum number would be three people. That way there would be less disturbance and I could deal with my own thoughts."
Me : Any final advice for those with fear of traveling?
"If you were too afraid of doing anything, then you were not experiencing what life had to offer. Just go for it, do not get scared too much of the consequences. Even if there is a plane crash and you die, you can't stop that from happening, but at least you die from doing something you truly love. Just like Steve Irwin, he didn't know he was going to die in the hand of a stingray, but the shows he produced were amazingly done."
~ ~ ~
I hope you all you learned something this segment. And special thank to Pavitra to join this interview.
If there is any of you wants to further understand about China, or maybe just looking for a travel buddy, you may let me know. Click this link for more details Tour Services.
Until next time. Ciao!
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