Saturday 2 May 2015


First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who tuned in to this site. Let me have a short self-introduction and explain what is this blog all about.

I'm Ariq Rakoli, and of course that is not my real name. I grew up in the beautiful city of Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Three years back, I had never thought about exploring the outside world. It was either study, or to get a permanent job. No monkey business, no kid stuff. But little did I know, everything changed when I received the scholarship from China.

I studied in a private Mandarin high school until I was 18. So practically, I am well-versed in that language, even though it's not my mother-tongue. Anyways, on my final year, I won some sort of competition in China and I earned the honor to have a short 6-month language program, in Beijing. Like any documentary movie, that was when I started to open my eyes.

Living in a foreign country, even though it was a brief period, it totally taught me a lot on how one's should live his live, till the fullest. I experienced things that I would get in my hometown, and I did stuff that I could never do. On top of that, I met awesome people from all over the world, that had completely changed my point of view on how I saw things. But let's save those stories for future use. I mean, you can't just finish all the good gossip at once, right?

Anyways, the reason I created this website, is that I wanted to share with people the great places I've been to. It's quite a shame if I just keep it for myself, right? Secondly, I'd love to provide my services, as a tour guide to Beijing, or any other places, or as a translator. I'm quite familiar with the city by the way. So if people ask me whether I am capable of bringing a group of people there, the answer would is YEAH !

And again, I truly appreciate everyone for sharing your precious time with me. Tune in every week for more stories from me. I will share with you some tips I learned and also good destinations to explore. Wish you guys all the best !

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